Pilot Whale
(Globicephala macrorhynchus)
One of the two species of cetaceans that we have a local population, but we also have groups in migration. Having a local group, it is always possible to find them, they always travel in groups. When we find them resting it’s one of the most impressive moments, because we can easily approach and admire these animals.

Sperm Whale
(Physeter macrocephalus)
This is the biggest animal in the world with teeth, reaching an astonishing 50 000 kg and 18 meters long. They are social animals travelling most of the time in groups, and due to their diving ability’s it can be challenging to approach them. Can be seen all year in Madeira.

Blainville Beaked Whale
(Mesoplodon densirostris)
Belonging to a hard to see group of cetaceans (beaked whales), they are one of the least studied animals in the world, because they are deep water animals. The blainville can be seen all year in Madeira. Never easy to approach, but when possible, it´s an experience to remember for life!

Bryde’s Whale
(Balaenoptera edeni)
Usually seen during the summer, this whale comes to our waters to find food. They can eat plankton, however in Madeira they will feed mainly in small fish. Because of their food habits it is not surprising to find them interacting with dolphins.

Sei Whale
(Balaenoptera borealis)
The Sei whale looks a lot with the Bryde whale, and it can be a huge challenge to identify these animals. The only way to be 100% sure is to take a good look or a picture of their head, since it’s there they are quite different.
Fin Whale
(Balaenoptera physalus)
This animal is the second largest in the world, measuring around 20m long and weighing 80.000kg. It’s one of the only animals that presents a symmetry, where as the right side of they mouth is almost white and the left is grey. The best time to observe them in Madeira is during the spring.